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East Bethel Water Reclamation Plant and Land Application Basins

The East Bethel Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) is a 400,000 GPD facility located on a ten-acre site in East Bethel, Minnesota. TKDA collaborated with CH2MHill and Bonestroo to design the largest water reclamation plant in the state of Minnesota. Effluent produced by the plant is suitable for direct groundwater recharge through discharge to an underground drain field. The system replaced individual on-site septic systems previously used by residents in the area. The WRP was designed for future expansion to accommodate growth in the area.  Initial Capacity of 25,000 GPD can be increased to 400,000 GPD as needed.

The treatment train for the plant consists of:

  • A 45-foot deep influent pumping station
  • Removal of floatables using inclined cylindrical screens
  • Grit removal using mechanical vortex grit chamber
  • Biological nutrient removal using activated sludge process
  • Odor control using a 60-foot by 53-foot bio-filter consisting of air discharge headers beneath a three-foot deep bed of wood chips
  • Effluent polishing using membrane biological reactors
  • Disinfection using ultraviolet light
  • Effluent storage using two 20,000-gallon onsite storage tanks
  • Land application using rapid infiltration basins


LOCATION: East Bethel, Minnesota