Upon completing an airport master plan, the City of Marshall identified a location for future terminal area development. Recognizing that properly storing equipment and materials is essential to maintaining runways and airport property, a Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) building was the first structure constructed on this portion of airport property. The building allows the City to store and maintain snow removal equipment, lawn care equipment, and raw materials.
The SRE Building consists of nearly 7,500 SF of enclosed, heated space and features the following:
TKDA began the project by engaging in a significant predesign study to identify aesthetic preferences, cost-effective building types and sizes, ideal site configurations, and optimization of the project budget. Next, our team prepared architectural concepts for City officials and the City Council to identify preferred alternatives. The final design was carefully coordinated with the FAA and MnDOT Aeronautics to maximize funding eligibility.
CLIENT: City of Marshall
LOCATION: Marshall, Minnesota