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Industrial + Manufacturing, Transportation

Industrial Track and Yard Addition

As one of the nation’s largest refineries, the Flint Hills Resources Pine Bend Refinery has greatly expanded since its original construction in 1955. To meet growing storage and shipment needs, Flint Hills Resources hired TKDA to provide survey, design, construction management, and stake-out services for additional storage tracks at the refinery.

The project was coordinated with the completion of a new railcar loading rack and staging track for the additional railcar fleet. Five new storage tracks were built with lengths ranging from 2,200 to 2,600 feet to hold 167 seventy-foot rail cars. TKDA’s services included topographic surveys, preliminary and final plans, track alignment staking, drainage design, and permitting for the loading facility and new storage yard at the refinery.

CLIENT: Flint Hills Resources
LOCATION: Rosemount, Minnesota