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River Falls North Interceptor Sanitary Sewer

TKDA performed the preliminary studies, designed facilities, and provided construction observation to eliminate an existing lift station and forcemain. Our team analyzed alternative routes and construction methods to determine the best solution. Additionally, the project required extensive property acquisition and resolved an ongoing dispute over property rights to access and maintain an existing segment of the interceptor. A stormwater management facility was also restored. One phase of the project studied the interceptor downstream from the forcemain to determine the best location and means of eventual replacement.

The main components of the project are:

  • Installing 2180 LF 21-inch sanitary sewer with nine manholes through the floodplain of the Kinnickinnic River
  • Overcoming project phasing challenges due to a nearby eagle nest and long-eared bat restrictions
  • Developing an alternatives matrix to compare potential routes due to challenges with shallow bedrock, wetlands, high groundwater, and planned future connections
  • Part of the route is outside the City and crosses the property of an owner who had a contentious relationship with the City
  • The chosen route allowed the lift station to continue operation for most of the project, minimizing temporary conveyance
  • Studying the downstream interceptor included feasibility and methods for rehabilitation/replacement while considering the future need to increase flow capacity

CLIENT: City of River Falls
LOCATION: River Falls, Wisconsin