Dan Nesler to Lead Water/Wastewater Group
Daniel Nesler, PE, has been named TKDA’s new water/wastewater group manager of the Municipal Division.
Dan has a broad range of experience in the design and management of water and wastewater projects and has provided construction management, coordination, and observation services for many of those projects. Among them are the design and development of more than a dozen high-capacity public water supply wells for municipalities in the Twin Cities area; design of several new metro-area sanitary sewer lift stations; sanitary sewer system modeling, analysis, and long range planning; and watermain and sanitary sewer collection, conveyance, and treatment systems for public and private clients.
For more than 17 years, he has worked with a diverse stakeholder base that includes municipalities, counties, private industries, the Environmental Protection Agency, the US Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Metropolitan Council, and various watershed districts.
Dan earned a Bachelor of Science in environmental engineering from Michigan Technological University.
“Dan brings a wealth of experience to the municipal services management team,” said Dennis Postler, Municipal Division Vice President at TKDA. “We are very pleased to recognize his professional successes in this way.”