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Farwell Park Improvements

Farwell Park is a quintessential small neighborhood park in the heart of the Homewood neighborhood. TKDA worked with the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB) staff on designing a new play area, gathering areas, site amenities, and landscaping. The play areas remained in their current location, reusing the existing play curb as much as possible. The play theme is Nature in the City and includes construction-themed equipment, play mounds, and tall tree house structures and incorporates the surrounding landscape. TKDA integrated the seating area adjacent to the play spaces. A larger seating area has picnic tables and bench seating situated along the play area edge, placed in areas of shade. The design included upgraded water utilities for a future splash pad. Additional site amenities include a kiosk, portable toilet enclosure, drinking fountain, and bike racks. Careful consideration of maintenance, site conditions, and compatibility with the existing trees set the base for the successful establishment of the native plantings and the overall park improvements.

CLIENT: Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board
LOCATION: Minneapolis, Minnesota