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SE Area Reconstruction

Originally constructed in 1962, the SE Area Reconstruction project included improvements to streets totaling 1.4 miles. The width of each street varied between 14 feet and 30 feet and was constructed with bituminous curbs. The narrow streets were widened as much as possible but faced restrictions by the narrow existing right-of-way. The new bituminous street was reconstructed with a concrete curb and gutter to improve drainage and functioning of the roadway.

The project also included adding storm sewer pipe to address existing drainage problems, including an underground stormwater treatment structure to treat stormwater before it discharged into White Bear Lake. Additionally, TKDA worked with the local watershed district and its cost-share program to add rain gardens to individual properties. Overall, our team held multiple neighborhood meetings, sent out residential flyers, and worked with individual residents to meet the community’s and residents’ expectations.

CLIENT: White Bear Township
LOCATION: White Bear Township, Minnesota