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Sherman Street Lift Station

This project included two phases to upgrade the City of Saint Paul Sherman Street Lift Station and force main to increase capacity, improve reliability, and provide redundancy. The Sherman Street Lift Station is near the intersection of Sherman Street and Spring Street, south of Shepard Road, near downtown Saint Paul. The duplex submersible sanitary sewer lift station conveys wastewater from Shepard Road near the Mississippi River, under the Soo Line Railroad tracks to the base of the sandstone bluff where it transitions to a sandstone tunnel. The force main discharges into the MCES interceptor system 1,000 feet to the north.

Phase 1 expanded the cross-section of the tunnel to improve access and accommodate two new force main pipes. Phase 2 increased the pumping capacity, replacing the controls and SCADA systems, adding a standby generator, and replacing the valves and piping between the lift station and the sandstone bluff.

CLIENT: City of Saint Paul
LOCATION: Saint Paul, Minnesota